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安娜Berrizbeitia, 博士学位, is an active learner educator, meaning her classes are generally loud, active and involving a lot of group work. Her students call her "Dr. 浆果." She has been 卡内基梅隆大学 since 2018, and has taught a variety of courses ranging from College Algebra to Graduate Number Theory. She specializes in Abstract Algebra and has advised several undergraduate capstone projects. She is currently the Math Club advisor and the co-chair of the Teacher 2 Teacher committee.

She loves the great outdoors and is an avid biker, hiker, backpacker and camper. She also loves baking and wants to have her own bakery someday.

安娜Berrizbeitia's Curriculum Vitae 

Selected Publications

停车功能, 施的安排, and Mixed Graphs (with M. 贝克,M. Dairyko C. 罗德里格斯,. 鲁伊斯和S. Veeneman)
Mathematical Monthly (accepted, pending publication).

The p-adic Valuation of Stirling Numbers (with L. 麦地那,. 摩尔,V. 摩尔和L. Noble) Journal for Algebra and Number Theory Academia 1, 2010, 1-30.


邀请演讲者. 停车功能, 施的安排, and Mixed Graphs Hartland Talk, Bradley University, 皮奥瑞亚, 伊利诺斯州, 2月5日, 2015

邀请演讲者. 停车功能, 施的安排, and Mixed Graphs USTARS, Berkeley, California, April 2014

邀请演讲者. The p-adic Valuation of Stirling Numbers Joint Math Meetings, Washington D.C.2009年1月
Poster Presentations

Poster presentation. Invariants of Hopf Actions on Path Algebras of Quivers, Algebra Extravaganza Conference, 费城, PA, 2017年7月

Poster presentation. The p-adic Valuation of Stirling Numbers SACNAS conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2008